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US States & Cities With Most Spam Calls

Spam calls have become an insidious burden for Americans, disrupting daily life with relentless frequency. We analyzed data from the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to assess the scope of the problem and identify states most affected.

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The Power of Always-on - How Does 24/7 Customer Support Propel Your Business Forward

Does the thought of a dissatisfied customer keep you awake at night? Sleep easy, as this article on 24/7 customer support showcases how you can resolve customer issues in real-time and pave the way for business success.

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Transforming Offshore Call Centers with AI: A Revolutionary Approach to Customer Service

By 2025, AI chatbots will handle nearly 95% of all customer service interactions. How will this strategic shift affect customer service paradigms? Let’s find out!

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Maximizing Efficiency: 10 Essential Virtual Assistant Services Every Business Needs

In this digital age where businesses are seeking cost-effective, dynamic, and flexible solutions to maximize efficiency, Virtual Assistant Services come in as an instrumental asset. Virtual Assistants (VAs), primarily offering remote support, are professionals with a diverse skill set.

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The Indubitable Role of Cultural Alignment in Customer Support Outsourcing

As many as 96% of consumers worldwide say customer service is an important factor in their choice of loyalty to a brand. What is the role of cultural alignment in achieving seamless customer service. Let's find out!

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Managing Call Center Stress for a Customer Service Agent

While call center stress is a common issue, certain steps can be taken to ensure agents don't encounter severe distress. Read this article know about the sources of stress for agents and ways to deal with them.

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Tips to Create a Strong Unique Selling Proposition - Your Chance to Stand Out from the Rest

The call centers have evolved and the basic call support no longer exists. Read on to find out how modern-day, digitally advanced contact centers focus on customer delight and why you should embrace.

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How to Use Your Call Center to Build Customer Loyalty

Customer loyalty is extremely important if you want to grow and maintain your business and succeed in the competitive marketplace. Read this article to know how you can use your contact center to build customer loyalty and maintain a competitive edge.

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How Can Omnichannel Solutions Improve Call Center Contact Rates

Omnichannel customer support offers you the easiest way to provide hassle-free services to your global customers. This article will help you understand what omnichannel contact centers are, how they are different from multichannel contact centers, and the benefits of leveraging one for service delivery.

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Top 5 Call Center Technology Trends Expected to Transform the Future of Customer Service

The pressure on call centers to deliver superior customer service increased drastically with the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. Discover how call centers are embracing technology advancements to serve the customers better.

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Tips to Create a Strong Unique Selling Proposition – Your Chance to Stand Out from the Rest

Unable to create an instantly appealing USP despite your arduous legwork? You are not alone. Most businesses with good products/services struggle to build a robust USP. Check out our top tips to create a USP that works.

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Visualizing the Future Call Center - Business Edge, Customer Service Trends, and More

Call center services are evolving like never before. Changing customer service trends are driving this evolution. Here are the top trends expected to transform the future call centers.

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Cloud Contact Centers and The Future of Customer Expectations

The advancement in cloud technologies will deliver the highest level of customer experience now. Read this article on the role and usefulness of cloud contact centers and how you can implement them to match future customer expectations.

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Call Center Best Practices to Abide by In the Post-Pandemic Era

The pandemic caused huge shifts in the way business is carried out. The call center industry was no exception and saw its fair share of disruptions. Read this article to find out the best practices you can implement in your call center to make the most out of opportunities in the post-pandemic era.

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The Benefits of Robotic Process Automation in Call Centers

While during the pandemic, most believed that call centers were finally going to see the end, we are now seeing that there is no such thing. There have been new best practices revealed. Read on to find out what they are.

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Why Workforce Optimization Matters in Hybrid Contact Centers?

A lot has changed over the years due to the advent of the COVID19 pandemic. The adoption of hybrid work culture has eradicated some challenges but also created new opportunities. Read this article on why workforce optimization matters in hybrid contact centers and the trends you can expect to see going forward.

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How Can Outsourcing Call Center Services Save Costs and Increase Your Profitability

The call center is one of the most outsourced services in the world. It is primarily because offshoring call center services can lead to huge savings. And every penny that you save adds to your net profits.

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Key Advantages of Live Chat for Customer Service Teams

Customer service plays a crucial role in building and maintaining a loyal customer base in the modern age. Read this article to learn more about the importance of live chat for customer service teams.

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Top 6 Benefits of IVR Systems That Businesses Should Leverage

Modern customers are getting more demanding by the minute. Is your business equipped to quench the immediate need for increased personalization? Setting up an IVR service can bring out the solution where everyone benefits. Read on to know the business benefits of IVR systems.

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Smart Contact Centers - The Future of Customer Interaction

Contact center operators are constantly on the lookout for ways to optimize efficiency, maximize productivity, and cut costs. One inexorable direction that the contact center industry is heading towards is the adoption of smart technology, including AI and machine learning technologies, to ease their business processes. Read this article to learn more about the future of customer interaction in smart contact centers.

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Key Trends for Lead Generation and Sales for 2022

The lead generation and sales sector witnessed tremendous shifts over the last year mainly due to the changes brought about by the emergence and spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. In this article, we look at some key lead generation and sales trends forecast for 2022.

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Top 10 Benefits of Ringless Voicemail For Businesses

Ringless voicemail technology is helping marketers break the ice by landing their pitch into users' voicemail than buzzing them through unscheduled phone calls. Imagine the extent of call rejections that could be avoided by getting the telemarketing message delivered without annoying busy users. In this article, you're about to discover the 10 benefits of direct-to-voicemail cell messaging.

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Top 17 Best Practices & Actionable tips for Contact Centres Post-COVID

Here is a comprehensive list of 17 best call center practices that will help you restart your call center with a bang to bring back the productivity that was lost in the wake of the global pandemic. We assure you that these 16 tips are just what you need to find a perfect balance between employee satisfaction, productivity, and customer experience.

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How Does ML, AI, RPA, and Automation Affect Call Center Service?

New technologies like ML, AI, RPA, and automation are disrupting the call center industry like never before. The use of these technologies is leading to massive shifts in how services are enhanced to provide a better customer experience. Read this article to learn how ML, AI, RPA, and automation affects and will affect call center services.

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Top 10 Call Center Security Trends and Predictions for 2021

The call center industry is witnessing tremendous shifts in how it functions and serves its customers. 2021 will also bring new challenges related to data security and privacy. Read this article to learn about data security trends and predictions in the call center industry for 2021.

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What Are the Top 10 Qualities a Call Center Agent Should Possess?

The call center industry is one of the fastest-growing industries. With cut-throat competition in this domain, you are expected to stay ahead in all aspects. Here are some of the top qualities that a call center agent must possess to stay ahead in the competition.

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How is AI Impacting Contact Centers & the Contact Center Experience?

If you have a call center business that is still relying on aging technology and dated contact strategy, you could be at risk of losing clients. With AI becoming the talk of the town, you are left with no choice but to eventually adopt the technology for the greater good. In the years to come, AI will transform the brand image of your business if your implementation is intuitive and done right.

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Enhance your Customer Experience with These Top 6 Digital Transformation Trends

We have witnessed tremendous advancements in how companies are leveraging digital transformation to provide their customers with an enhanced customer experience. Read this article to learn about the top 6 digital transformation trends that can enhance your customers' experience.

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Top 10 Ways in Which eCommerce Businesses Can Benefit from Chat Support

Know the top 10 ways in which e-commerce businesses can use chat support to their benefit. Learn the key benefits of chat support for your e-commerce benefits.

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How Can AI Help You Improve Your Customer Support Experience

Have a look at the different ways in which artificial intelligence can help you to improve your customer support experience. Learn how AI is revolutionizing the customer support industry and what the future looks like.

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Work from Home Is the New Normal and Has Transformed Sales Rep to 'Virtual Sellers'

The role of sales reps has changed dramatically with the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. Work from home has become the new normal and sales reps have needed to adapt to meet new working conditions. Read this article to understand how work from home has transformed sales reps into "virtual sellers."

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5 Steps to Improve the Efficiency of Your Call Center Outsourcing Process

Read the blog post which lists and explains the 5 key steps to improve the efficiency of your call center outsourcing process. We leverage the latest methodologies and processes to ensure that we deliver maximum efficiency to the clients.

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6 Key Reasons for APAC Dominance in the Helpdesk Support Market

The APAC region has always been dominant when it comes to providing helpdesk support services to major organizations across the globe. Learn why it has been one of the most dominant markets in the world.

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14 Ways To Provide A Great Customer Experience In Your Call Center

Great client experience is the key to improve customer's faith in the brand. Flatworld's 14 ways to provide a great customer experience is compilation of untold techniques that work brilliantly in call centers to lessen the customer frustration and build their confidence.

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Are Phones No Longer Relevant for Call Centers?

Every business chooses a contact strategy that is best suited for approaching new leads and those willing to defect to better service providers. Planning a good contact strategy matters because the experience can strengthen the relationship or at worse make it sour.

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25 Cold Calling Techniques for Sales Success in 2020

Read this great piece on 25 cold calling techniques that'll surely land you more sales. We have covered some of 25 latest trends that are totally original and soon-to-be-implemented by pioneers. You too could get yourself on the lead generation boat using these tricks from our list.

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12 Tips to Perfect Your Telemarketing Scripts

We'll help you change your cold calling approach if your agents are stuck with a boring script that makes conversations less personalized and bot-like. Read our 12 tips to perfect your telemarketing scripts to see your credibility grow and close good deals more frequently.

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7 Top Customer Service Skills Your Business Needs to Acquire

Great customer service in the key to any business organization. Read the article by Flatworld Solutions which lists the top customer service skills that your business must acquire.

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Top Customer Experience Trends to Watch Out for in 2020 and Beyond

The customer experience domain us rapidly changing with every passing year. Know what the top customer experience trends are to watch out for in 2020 and beyond.

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6 Call Center Trends that Will Make an Impact in 2020

Call centers are not exempt from innovation. New and smart technology is filling the void left by aging and traditional call center technology. Our compilation of 6 call center trends will awaken the true potential of your contact center and streamline your day-to-day operations as well as take the client-agent relationship to unexplored heights.

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6 Ways in Which Culture and Brand Affect Client Experience

A healthier customer experience (CX) can assist you to endorse your products and enter the global marketplace. However, you must prioritize the cultural aspects of your business, train your employees, leverage digital channels, and identify areas for improvement. Read the article to find out how cultural difference impact customer experience.

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10 Key Points to Evaluate a Call Center Outsourcing Vendor

We understand that there are several call center outsourcing service providers in the market and the decision to zero-down on one can be a daunting task. Read this article from Flatworld Solutions where we have listed down the top points to consider while choosing a call center outsourcing vendor.

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How to Gain the Trust of Customers by Showing That You Care?

Read FWS' article on how to stay competitive in the current volatile business environment by learning on how to gain the trust of customers.

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Is Philippines the Call Center Capital of the World?

As per the recent stats, Philippines employs 1.7 million people with different skill sets and captures 15% of the global outsourcing market! Is it safe to say that Philippines has become the call center capital of the world?

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Top 15 Reasons to Leverage Live Video Chat for Your Business

Customer service has become one of the most important aspects of any business today. Live video chat is one of the upcoming forms of providing superior customer service to your clients. Read the article to know the top reasons on why you should leverage live video chat for your business.

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Call Center Glossary of Terminologies and Abbreviations

The common jargon used by call center executives and managers can get a bit difficult to understand for newcomers. To make things easy we have listed all the popular call center terminologies, acronyms, and abbreviations.

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Top 8 Benefits of Multi-channel Contact Centers

Multi-channel contact centers have been gaining popularity in the past few years and this trend will continue in the same fashion in the coming years too. Read the article to know the top 8 benefits of multi-channel contact centers.

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Why Should You Immediately Switch your Contact Center Agent Software to WebRTC?

WebRTC is the future for contact center software, and will drive better customer-client interactions while helping you save costs and provide better service. Read this article to know more about the way this open source software will change the call center industry.

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10 Reasons Your Business Needs CCTV Monitoring or Video Surveillance

CCTV surveillance is extremely important in order to ensure complete protection of your business premises, while also keeping the safety of your employees and customers on top. We tell you the top 10 reasons why your business needs CCTV surveillance and its benefits.

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Is It Right to Call BPaaS the Next Wave of Contact Center Delivery?

With BPaaS gaining tremendous popularity among businesses worldwide, it is increasingly being leveraged by companies for their contact center delivery. Read on to find out whether BPaaS can be the next wave of contact center delivery.

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Top 10 Trends That Will Drive Call Center Outsourcing in 2017

Read top 10 call center outsourcing trends to get an idea as to what you could do differently in 2017 to make your call center effective and successful.

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Top 6 Reasons to Migrate Your Call Center to the Cloud

Most of the companies today are moving their call centers to the cloud. Read the article to know the various reasons for which you need to migrate your call center to the cloud. Read more »

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How AWS and Cloud Migration are Transforming Call Centers

Cloud technology service providers such as Amazon Web Services (AWS) are fast becoming standard when it comes to implementing the latest technology for call centers. Flatworld Solutions' article explains why.

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Benefits of Virtual Call Centers

As technology changes the way customers interact with companies, virtual call centers are fast emerging as cost-effective solutions to manage high call volumes and address declining customer satisfaction levels.

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Why Outsource Call Center Services?

India has emerged as a productive location for business process outsourcing primarily because of its intrinsic strengths.

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Benefits of Call Center Outsourcing

As per an estimate, companies save anything from 30% to 60% by outsourcing their call center services.

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Offshore Call Center Services

Many different factors make India an attractive destination to offshore call center services.

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Advantages of Flatworld's Bilingual Tutors

Bilingual online tutoring is a much better option than taking a language course at school.

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Choosing the Right Call Center Partner

India has emerged as the favorite destination for Business process outsourcing or BPO as it is commonly known.

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Web Merchant Accounts Services

Flatworld's Web Merchant Accounts Services provides you with a niche that will only set your business angle expanding into new and fresh arenas.

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Call Center Outsourcing Service

Choosing the right Call Center Outsourcing Service provider in India is a critical decision that will define your business' growth.

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Outsourcing Technical Support

Today's competitive market seems to witness frustrations produced by busy signals, long hold times and incompetent staff leading to a natural loss of customers.

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Online Tutoring Services

Online tutoring is a good option if you don't have time for regular studies or need additional help in studies.

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12 Major Challenges Faced by the Call Center Industry

Call center is one of the most powerful sectors, which contributes majorly to the economies of Asian countries like India, Philippines, Malaysia, and China. But, it has its share of challenges.

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Staffing Calculator

Call Center Staffing Calculator

Calculate staffing & costing for your project
Project Type
Project Type
Service Type
Service Type
Target Country
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Shift Coverage
Shift Coverage
Average Call Count
Average Call Count
Average Handling Time
Average Handling Time (Min)
» Check the result below
Service Type
Service Type
Target Country
Select Target Country
Total number of leads
Total Number of Leads
Number of attempts
Number of Attempts Required
Average Handling Time
Average Handling Time (Min)
Deadline Days
Deadline (Days)
» Check the result below
Service Type
Service Type
Target Country
Select Target Country
Average Handling Time
Average Handling Time (Min)
Manual Predictive Dialing
Manual / Predictive Dialing
Head count required
Head Count Required
» Check the result below
Service Type
Service Type
Target Country
Select Target Country
Shift Coverage
Shift Coverage
Average Call Count
Average Call Count
Average Handling Time
Average Handling Time (Min)
» Check the result below
Service type
Service Type
Target Country
Select Target Country
Shift Coverage
Shift Coverage
Average Call Count
Average Call Count
Average Handling Time
Average Handling Time (Min)
» Check the result below

Call Center FTE Calculator from Flatworld Solutions is One-of-its-kind, FREE online tool that helps you calculate the number of agents and cost requirement for your call center operations, with least possible inputs. This calculator is easy-to-use and is made to provide you the best user experience while getting an accurate answer to your call center expansion requirements. In case you need some assistance with our Call Center Staffing and Cost Calculator, please refer to our Calculator User Guide

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