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Enhancing IT Infrastructure Management: Key Best Practices to Implement

Effective IT infrastructure management is crucial for security and operational excellence in a digital-first world. With proper tools for monitoring, automation, and security, organizations can enhance efficiency and resilience, while safeguarding against evolving cyber threats.

Top Benefits of Developing Custom Mobile Apps for Your Business Growth

Firms using custom-made applications can improve user experience, operational procedures, and customer retention. Business strategies change quickly with the rise of ever-inventive and technology-driven consumers. Businesses are also adopting creative custom mobile application development strategies to remain innovative and competitive.

Pros and Cons of In-House vs Outsourced IT Services

In-house or outsourcing? Understand the implications on project management, data security, and resource allocation. Choose wisely for your IT needs!

The Competitive Edge: Leveraging Custom Software Development Services for Business Differentiation

Gain insights into best practices and real-world examples of successful implementations and unlock the potential for innovation and differentiation in your industry. Click here to know more!

Amazon Redshift vs Azure Synapse Which is the Winner

Redshift and Synapse share a lot of similarities. Both offer facilities like columnar storage and MPP architecture. But each of them has its unique features too. Comparing them along key factors can help you make better decisions for your organization.

Azure Synapse vs Snowflake - Overview and Key Differences

An increasingly greater number of businesses are moving their data to the cloud. Azure Synapse and Snowflake are some of the popular Cloud Data Solutions that are available. Read this article to know about what they are and their key differences.

Azure Synapse vs Data Factory - Key Differences and Features

Unleash the power of integrated data analytics with Azure Synapse and Azure Data Factory. This comprehensive guide provides insights into advanced features, strategic security, real-time analytics, and industry-specific solutions.

Azure Synapse Analytics vs SQL Database - All You Need to Know

Today, increasingly more businesses and individuals are adopting data warehouses on the Microsoft Azure platform. However, many time, customers are not always clear on whether to go with Azure SQL database or Azure Synapse Analytics for their data store needs. Read this article to learn more about these cloud data solutions.

Azure Synapse vs Databricks: Is Azure Worth It

They offer functionalities like data warehousing, cloud-based data engineering, ETL pipelines, and machine learning workflows. Though both the platforms come with similar features, they have some stark differences too. Read this article to know more.

10 Reasons Why You Should Consider Outsourcing Your Software Development Work

There are a lot of great reasons why outsourcing software development to a specialist firm makes sense. Read this article to find out the 10 top reasons to outsource software development.

Outsource IT & Fast track Your Business Growth: Infrastructure Management Services for Windows 365

When you outsource IT operations to a company that offers Infrastructure Management Services for Windows 365, you ensure that you continue to provide the best to your customers while your processes are being handled by experts in the backend. Read this article to learn about the benefits of outsourcing your IT function.

Everything You Need to Know About Windows 365

With Microsoft productivity tools already active on the PC, Windows 365 has the potential to transform the way you conduct business, by saving you tons of resources and money Read this article to learn everything you need to know about Windows 365.

Change the Face of Your Digital Workplace with VDI (Virtual Desktop Infrastructure) Services

Know how virtual desktop infrastructure is revolutionizing the software industry and how it can change the face of your digital workplace.

Test Automation Services: In-House Or Outsource?

Test Automation Is Crucial For The Development And Deployment Of Good Software, However, Whether Insourcing Or Outsourcing Test Automation Continues To Be Debated. Insourcing Is not only a cost-saver but also helps you stay focused on priorities.

5 Ways Technology is Changing the Future of Digital Banking

Read the article on how AI and machine learning technologies are helping digital banking. Our insights cover the 5 ways in which technology will impact the future of digital banking.

10 Software Trends That Will Continue to Grow in 2019

Read the article by Flatworld Solutions that explains the top 10 software trends that will continue to grow in the year 2019 and what the future of software looks like.

Infographic - Are Chatbots a Good Idea for your Business?

Chatbots are gaining immense popularity among businesses, and as per a recent survey, nearly 80% businesses will have a chatbot by 2020.

10 Business Technologies that are a Must for Small Business Owners

Have a look at the article by Flatworld Solutions which lists and explains the top 10 business technologies that are a must for small business owners.

Top 7 IoT Predictions to Look Forward to in 2020

The spending on IoT is expected to reach $772 Billion by 2018 resulting in stratospheric development of IoT. But what does the future hold for Internet of Things in 2020?

5 Reasons Why IoT is the Future of Mobile App Development

The tech world has realized the enormous potential of IoT and is vociferously striving to create more applications with it. App development is a booming trend and given the increasing popularity of smartphones, this trend of using IoT in mobile app development is here to stay.

5 Ways AI Can Change Infrastructure Management Services

Read the article by Flatworld Solutions which lists and explains the top ways in which artificial intelligence can change infrastruture management services.

5 Reasons to Use AI-based Chatbots to Drive Your Business Goals

Read the article by Flatworld Solutions which explains the 5 reasons to use AI-based chatbots to drive your organizational objectives and goals.

Top 10 Software Testing Trends to Watch Out for in 2018

Software testing is one of the key aspects of the software development process. In this article, we have a look at how software testing has changed over the years and what the software testing trends are for 2018 and beyond.

Top 15 Cryptocurrencies to Watch Out for in 2018

Cryptocurrencies are taking the world by a storm and its popularity is sky-rocketing with every single day. Read the article to know which top Cryptocurrencies we need to watch out for in 2018.

Is it Safe to Claim React Native as the Future of Hybrid App Development?

React native or hybrid app development is currently the most preferred method for mobile app development. Read on to know how the future looks like for this method of mobile application development.

Current State of Commercial Drone Industry and Prediction for its Future

Commercial drone is one of the most trending and innovative technology which has changed the way businesses work. Read an article by Flatworld to know more about the current and the future trends in this industry.

10 Useful Tips to Design Interactive iPad Apps

There are many things to consider while designing iPad apps. Read more to know some of the useful tips to design interactive iPad apps.

Top 12 Benefits of Cloud Computing for Businesses

Cloud computing is beneficial for businesses in many ways. Organizations need to understand this and leverage its benefits to increase the efficiency of their business operations. Read the article to know more about the business benefits of cloud computing.

Responsive Menus - Demystifying Navigation on Mobile Websites

Read an article on the importance of having responsive menus to impress your customers better and provide them with a great mobile website navigation experience.

Best Practices for Efficient IT Risk Management

With innovative IT frauds making their way into the industry, it is essential for companies to safeguard their businesses by following best practices for efficient IT risk management.

10 Trends That Will Shape Mobile Development in 2018 and Beyond

Several mobile development trends are making rounds in the market in 2018 and many other newer technologies are expected to boom. Discover which are the top mobile development trends that are expected to reign 2018 and beyond in this article.

Cloud Migration - Advantages, Disadvantages, and How to Mitigate Risks

Cloud migration is the new poster child for the powers of the cloud, and while it may not be perfect yet, it is already one of the best ways to cut costs and remain competitive. Read this article to know more about the advantages and disadvantages of cloud migration, and how it affects modern day business.

Top 10 Ways Artificial Intelligence Can Help your Business Grow

Graduating from gaming industry, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has made its way into the businesses. This disruptive technology is expected to transform the way businesses function in the next 5 years.

Why Should You Care About WebRTC and CloudRTC?

The WebRTC and CloudRTC market is expected to reach $4.5 billion by 2020 - It's time you take it seriously.

Is Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency the Future of Money

Uncover how Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies are redefining value exchange and empowering the unbanked. Learn about the potential for global financial reformation and ethical considerations.

12 Most Popular Automation Testing Tools

Software automation testing is one of the key steps in software development cycles. Although there are many tools available in the market today, only a few are better than the others. Read on to discover the most popular automation testing tools.

5 Ways to Incorporate Augmented Reality in Your Business

Augmented reality is one of the fastest growing technologies in today's fast paced world. Read to find out how can it be incorporated into your business and how it helps to make your operations more efficient.

Virtual Reality and its Impact on Business

Until now virtual reality was considered to be useful only in the field of gaming, but not anymore. Businesses need to understand how they can use virtual reality in their business and make their operations more efficient.

Top 10 Ways in Which Machine Learning Can Help Your Business

Machine learning is an area, which is continuously evolving and newer technologies are being developed with every passing day. Read on to discover how machine learning can help you reap huge business benefits.

15 Hot Programming Trends to Watch Out For

Programming has dramatically evolved over the years and has seen several changes in the past few decades. Read further to find out the hottest programming trends to watch out for in 2018 and beyond.

Top 5 Android Development Blunders That Can Ruin Your Android App

Over the past 5 years, the opportunities presented by Android app development have turned mere developers into rock stars. At the same time, there are many developers out there whose development faux pas are the only things which prevent a good app from achieving greatness. Read this article to know more about how to avoid some common pitfalls while developing for the Android OS.

IoT and Ambient User Experience: 5 Key Takeaways

IoT was among the top ten strategic trends of 2016, and some of these new trends have already started emerging and might dominate the technological space in the coming year, 2018. One such trend is "Ambient User Experience".

5 Ways Android 7.0 Nougat Will Change the Way People Interact With the Apps

While Nougat 7.0 is launched initially for the Google's Nexus devices after months of developer preview testing, this final version of the mobile OS is more stable and possesses a lot of stunning features.

5 Ways In Which Beacon Technology Can Change Our Lives

Beacons allow the background positioning and easy detection, giving an amazing power to a mobile phone which makes it "truly" smart.

Microsoft HoloLens: Bringing AR and VR Together

Microsoft HoloLens tries to fetch the best features of both AR and VR. It features a wide FOV (Field of View), which is typically associated with the VR devices along with a transparent display surface ideal for the AR applications.

8 Reasons to Outsource Mobile Development to India

Developing a high-quality mobile app can be a taxing task, especially if your company does not have any prior experience in it. This article will help you decide not only when to outsource, but also explain why India is the best choice for outsourcing mobile app development.

App Store Comparison: Cheat Sheet

Choosing the right audience for your app and determining the platforms this audience uses is very important for any company.

All You Need to Know About Accelerated Mobile Pages

Accelerated Mobile Pages or AMP are gaining huge popularity among SEO companies who are involved in online marketing. Read further to know everything about AMP.

Best Messaging App That You Should Give a Try

Messaging apps have already caught the attention of millions and continue to do so. In this article we have listed the best messaging apps which you need to try out.

10 Popular Mobile Digital Assistants

Mobile digital assistants are gaining a lot of popularity as we steadily operate smartphones without using our hands. Here we have listed the most popular digital assistants available today.

Soon Data Centers will Leverage Apple's Swift iOS Programming Language

Apple created the new Swift programming language as a better way of building apps for the iPhone. But soon, even data centers will leverage the benefits of this programming language.

5 Steps to Develop Windows 10 App Development Environment

Developing a Windows 10 mobile app can be cumbersome. Here are some simple ways on we can develop Windows 10 mobile apps without any hassles.

All You Need to Know About Digital Mobile Radio

Digital Mobile Radio or DMR is an open standard developed by European Telecommunications Standards Institute for use in professional mobile radio. Read on to know more about this new technology.

Buy Online Pick Up in Store (BOPUS) FAQs

Buy Online Pick Up in Store is gaining popularity among people because of the convenience it provides. Read more to find out how it can be beneficial for consumers as well as retailers.

Understanding Your Mobile App Development Options: HTML5, Native, or Hybrid

Developing a mobile app can be a difficult task but choosing the right platform is the most complicated job for a developer. One needs to understand the various mobile app development options available.

7 Tips to Flawless Android App Development

Developing an android app can be a cumbersome task. Read our article which mentions some tips to consider for perfect Android app development.

App Store Optimization - 10 Things You Need to Know

App store optimization is the process of optimizing apps so that they can rank higher in a particular app stores' search results. Read on to find out what all things you need to know about App Store Optimization.

Ukraine - A Growing IT Outsourcing Destination

Ukraine is racing for supremacy in the present outsourcing era, and how!

Is Agile Apt for Large-Scale Software Projects?

Adapting Agile's concepts and transitioning it into software projects is not easy, yet not too complex. Learn 5 key benefits of using Agile for large software projects.

Power Your Apps with MEAN, the Future of Programming

MEAN (MongoDB, Express, AngularJS, and Node.JS) can support notable feature sets including event-driven architecture, prototypal object orientation, closures, etc. across the board.

5 Tools That Can Help You Develop Better iOS Apps

iOS apps are in rage. As more and more developers try to get their apps published to the Apple App Store, you need to learn how to work with some cutting-edge iOS app development tools in order to set your app apart from the rest. Read this article to learn more about 5 killer tools which will make you a pro at iOS app development.

How to Develop Cloud-ready Enterprise Apps?

Read our article which details a step-by-step process to develop cloud-ready enterprise apps.

12 Popular Project Management Methodologies

To ensure the success of any software development project, companies need to follow a four-step cyclic process of consultation, proposition, confirmation and execution.

Most Popular Mobile Application Tools & Technologies

We use the latest in mobile application tools and mobile application technologies, as well as our expertise and experience, to provide cutting-edge mobile application solutions.

10 Tips to Ensure Security of Your Mobile Apps

As the number of internet-connected smartphones grows, so does the threat to mobile app security. We have compiled a list of the ten top tips to ensure end-to-end security of your mobile phone app.

Mobile Payment Solutions

Mobile payment is a new and rapidly-developing alternative payment solution, where consumers use their mobile phones to pay for goods or services instead of paying with cash, checks or credit cards.

8 Key Advantages of Learning Management Systems

The ground rules for education are changing rapidly. More and more educational institutions, organizations, and standalone professionals have started using Learning Management Systems to distribute information and courses, a trend which is unlikely to slow down in the near future.

15 Emerging Trends for Mobile App Development in 2020 and Beyond

Developing a mobile app can be a great boost for your business as well as brand visibility. Rapid advancements are being made on a daily basis when it comes to smartphone technology, and as a mobile app developer you stand to gain by keeping a track of the emerging trends we talk about in the article.

Advantages & Disadvantages of Data Center Outsourcing

As your company grows and your computing requirements evolve, you would soon be faced with the dilemma of whether to outsource data center services or keep it in-house. This article charts out the various advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing your data center operations.

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