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Are you ready for database migration? Then you may be compelled to take a safer path to prevent service disruption and loss of data that could otherwise defeat the purpose altogether. What about the quality you ask? Database migration services company like ours take exceptional care to facilitate switching from your existing software platform to the one that gives the best results for your business without impacting data quality.

When you choose Flatworld Solutions for database migration you are trusting our experts who come with decades of experience in data migration services to operationalize your migrated database with minimal risk. We have reigned as a leading provider of DB migration services in India for 22 years and is currently the most trusted provider of data migration solution to over 130 businesses worldwide.

What is Database Migration?

Database migration is a mandatory measure or periodic one across enterprises that have existed for a while. Be it phasing out aging storage equipment, running maintenance, optimizing disaster recovery, or relocating data center database migration is the first through for many businesses.

Effective planning and proactive steps are critical for successful data migration projects. This is where the skill in the process counts. We are kitted with state-of-the-art automation scripts and mappings to facilitate data migration without complications. In the data migration process, there are three key stages that will determine the outcome. The completeness, accuracy, and reliability will depend on these three stages -

DB Migration Planning

The data queued for migration are marked in advance by considering the project complexity, dependencies, technical requirements, as well as bandwidth and hardware needs. In the planning stage, we also prepare a backup option against the unanticipated scenario. To ensure uncompromised integrity we evaluate datasets in the environment they were created so that obsolete data can be eliminated at source. In the last stage, the choice of migration architecture is determined before the initiation.

Database Migration

After evaluating the software and hardware needs we customize the database migration approach. We will perform feasibility tests ahead of DB migration to determine the outcome. After validation, the data is extracted from your existing system and uploaded into a destination storage point. After the migration, we perform validation to ensure a clean movement of data.

Post-migration Support

Once the data migration is completed, the mapping is evaluated for completeness, accuracy, and compliance with the operations at the destination. During the test, we may run your existing and new system in a side-by-side configuration to understand if there are leaks in the process with probability of data loss. Finally, we conclude the operation by compiling reports and additional documentation. Thereafter, the legacy system is made inactive.

What are the Database Migration Services Offered by Flatworld Solutions?

Database migration involves plenty of legwork that can keep your teams tied up. If you want to free your knowledge workers to focus their attention on other key areas you will need experts with candid answers to "what is database migration?", and "how to migrate data in a cost-effective way?". If you were unsuccessful in finding the right people, your search ends with us because make hassle-free migration of database a reality. The services we offer include -

Single Source Database Migration

Single source
database migration

Multisource Database Migration

database migration

Vendor to Vendor Database Migration

Vendor to vendor
database migration

Same Vendor System Data Migration

Same vendor
system data migration

What is the Method Followed by FWS for Database Migration?

At Flatworld, steps involved in database migration is carefully planned by considering the hardware and software requirements in the project. We collaborate with businesses to understand the volume of data that needs to be moved. We also factor the cost involved in the project. The client will be apprised, and the contract will be finalized. The steps involved in the data migration is as follows -

Strategizing 1


In this stage, we define objectives that must mandatorily be facilitated by a database migration project. We also identify typical challenges across the data migration

Evaluation 2


We begin an assessment of the content that will be migrated. We evaluate the description of existing content such as the volume, format, file attributes, age, etc.

Preparation 3


We digitize and compress any physical data for maximums storage performance. We also optimize the metadata to make files discoverable with ease

Data Classification and Extraction 4

Data Classification and Extraction

Using sorting tools, we categorize your content based on multiple criteria. We also set rules for migration to automate the process

Data Validation 5

Data Validation

Since much of the process is automated, you may have to check if the work-flow is consistent and free from glitches

Database Export 6

Database Export

Once the data is organized, the finalized data is queued for migration. After completion of the process, we furnish a detailed report on the project

Why Choose FWS for Database Migration Services?

The demand for database migration has grown in manifold ways, thanks to steady growth across global business sectors. Being aware of the demand, we have upped our skillet and spending to adopt well-trained professionals and database migration technologies to improve the accuracy and quality of migration. With this milestone, we have successfully garnered the trust and support of many businesses. Here are more reasons why FWS is a leading database migration service provider in the world -

Technologies We Use

ADABAS Amazon RDS IBM Db2 Microsoft Access Microsoft SQL Server mongoDB MySQL Oracle RDBMS phpMyAdmin PostgreSQL SAP Sybase ASE SQLite

Client Success Stories


Flatworld Solutions Detected and Contained Data Security Breach for an Indian Client

Read the case study to understand the Flatworld conducted data forensics to plug vulnerabilities at the client's end to prevent data from being stolen for misuse. We helped the client to improve the security of confidential and mission-critical data.

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Created iPhone App for a Company Providing Environment-friendly Products

Read the Case study to learn how FWS helped a US client by developing an iPhone app that would tell them if their choices are environmentally-friendly.

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Success Stories

Outsource Database Migration Services to Flatworld Solutions - Leader in Data Migration

Flatworld Solutions is an ISO certified provider of database migration services. We offer an array of database services that can help you overcome vexing challenges of the industry through cutting-edge DB migration tools. We are geared to handle almost every hurdle faced by businesses that are ready to move their database from one system to another. With a team of 200+ qualified migration experts, we can move your database with speed and precision from your legacy service to a new storage point.

Contact us if you have similar needs so that we can evaluate the size of the project and provide a custom price for the contracted project.

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Flatworld Solutions

116 Village Blvd, Suite 200, Princeton, NJ 08540


Aeon Towers, J.P. Laurel Avenue, Bajada, Davao 8000

KSS Building, Buhangin Road Cor Olive Street, Davao City 8000

Important Information: We are an offshore firm. All design calculations/permit drawings and submissions are required to comply with your country/region submission norms. Ensure that you have a Professional Engineer to advise and guide on these norms.

Important Note: For all CNC Services: You are required to provide accurate details of the shop floor, tool setup, machine availability and control systems. We base our calculations and drawings based on this input. We deal exclusively with(names of tools).

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