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Does your contact center, customer support center, business board number, etc., receive a huge number of voicemails every day? Is it becoming a challenge to manually listen to all the voice mails and then take appropriate action? Often voicemails stored outside the usual email and messaging systems can lead to inefficient action, but no more, because our voicemail transcription services will end your woes.

Accessing the old voicemails in future and storing them is also a huge challenge. However, it is easier to get the voice mails converted into text so that it becomes convenient to categorize them, search through keywords, share through emails/texts, and draw reference with ease. Flatworld Solutions is a trusted voicemail transcription service providing company that offers the fastest turnaround and maximum accuracy at an affordable rate.

Voicemail Transcription Services We Offer

When the voicemail volume is high, it becomes an unnecessary burden on the in-house staff to listen to them, transcribe them and route them appropriately. By partnering with Flatworld, a trusted voicemail transcription service provider, you will get a complete range of services -

Manual Voicemail Transcription

Manual Voicemail Transcription

We have a trained team ready to work on any kind of voicemail transcription requirements. Our team has the experience of working with global customers from various industries and can easily transcribe a variety of accents and dialects without errors. We note down all the important information about the caller, including the names, phone numbers, email address, company name, demographic or budget details, and other such specific details left by the caller in a tabular format. This makes it easier for your team to respond.

Machine Aided Voicemail Transcription

Machine-aided Voicemail Transcription

We use modern technologies to quickly execute bulk voicemail transcription through intelligent voice recognition and natural language processing tools. All the automatically transcribed messages are then checked for accuracy by our agents. We make sure that all the important details like phone numbers, names, and requirements are captured correctly. The automated voicemail transcription process is faster and enables quick forwarding and archiving.

Voicemail Transcription Forwarding

Voicemail Transcription and Forwarding

Once a voicemail is received, it becomes important for your business to respond to it as soon as possible and meet your customers' expectations. After the voicemail transcription, we provide forwarding service, where we send alerts, emails, text, or messages on messenger application of your choice to the right person or department. We can also define the priority or severity of the call if needed so that quick action can be taken by your team.

Voicemail Categorization Archiving

Voicemail Categorization and Archiving

Storing old voicemails in audio format is highly space-consuming and challenging when it comes to retrieving them. To save storage space and still maintain a directory of all the voice messages received, businesses opt for voice to text transcription. Apart from converting your voice messages into text, we would also help you in correct categorization based on keywords, database creation and archiving. This makes it extremely easy when you have to search for old voicemails in the future.

12-24 Hrs Turnaround Time
150+ Global Clients
30-40% Cost Savings
50+ Skilled Data
500+ Satisfied Clients
99% Accuracy
16 Years Experience
Quick Ramp-Up & Scale-Down options

Our Voicemail Transcription Process

At Flatworld, we believe that transparency is the key to building a lasting relationship without our clients. Therefore, we take the best efforts to ensure that your voicemail transcription requests are processed only after making sure that you understand the nuances of our services. Our process is as follows -

We receive your voicemail files through safe FTP or cloud-based solutions. Alternatively, we can directly get all the messages from a dedicated US-based voicemail number or a phone cloud hub. Or you can set up voicemail call forwarding to a phone cloud hub

The project manager creates a structured format for transcribing the messages according to the client's needs

Our team works on transcribing the messages and stores them in the pre-defined format. In the case of automated transcription, we ensure that each message is human-verified

The quality assurance team checks all the messages once again

We do the message forwarding or archiving as instructed by the client

The accurate messages are sent to you in the format and medium of their choice. All the transcribed voicemails can be saved on the cloud

Why Should You Outsource Voicemail Transcription Services to Flatworld Solutions?

Choosing Flatworld as your voicemail transcription partner can be ideal for your business if you value accuracy and timeliness. Towards this end, we take staunch efforts to avoid slack in the process. We take great care to bring you the best value-adds that money can buy. You should consider FWS' voicemail transcription because -

Client Success Stories


FWS Transcribed Audio on Lean Management With 98% Accuracy

Transcription of 4 hours of audio was accomplished by Flatworld Solutions for a teaching consultant. Within 48 hours we transcribed audio on lean management with 98% accuracy.

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Flatworld Solutions Provided Audio Transcription of the Mock Counseling Sessions to an Irish Client

Transcription of a mock counseling session was made into reality for an Irish client. Within 72 hours, we furnished flawless transcripts that inclined with the client's requirement.

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Success Stories

Outsource Voicemail Transcription Services to Flatworld Solutions

Flatworld Solutions is an ISO 9001:2015 certified voicemail transcription service providing company. When you outsource audio transcription services to us you would get international quality, professional services, trained and certified resources, and transparent delivery. Having transcribed millions of voice calls and audio files in the past 20 years, our team has gathered vast experience in completing jobs accurately at an unmatched speed. If you are short-staffed or wield fewer skills to handle transcription on your own, we have just the solution you need that can be delivered at blazing speeds.

Contact us today to streamline your voicemail to the text transcription process.

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Starts at 75 cents per audio/video minute More pricing

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Movement Mortgage
Redwood eLearning
Info Email


Flatworld Solutions

116 Village Blvd, Suite 200, Princeton, NJ 08540


Aeon Towers, J.P. Laurel Avenue, Bajada, Davao 8000

KSS Building, Buhangin Road Cor Olive Street, Davao City 8000

Important Information: We are an offshore firm. All design calculations/permit drawings and submissions are required to comply with your country/region submission norms. Ensure that you have a Professional Engineer to advise and guide on these norms.

Important Note: For all CNC Services: You are required to provide accurate details of the shop floor, tool setup, machine availability and control systems. We base our calculations and drawings based on this input. We deal exclusively with(names of tools).

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