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Are you looking for a jury verdict and settlement research partner to dig into legal reports, compare notes, and prepare a report for presenting in court? If you have no practical means to mine legal research data on your own, jury verdict and settlement research services provider like Flatworld Solutions can end your woes. We will bring you information on the past verdicts and settlements to make it easy for the prosecution and defense counsel to justify their case.

Flatworld Solutions has wide experience in providing verdict and settlement research services to 6000+ clients. Our legal experts' filter case files to collate relevant information. We specialize in both legal and non-legal jury verdict research. We look for verdicts and settlements around court rulings, rulings from administrative agencies and even rulings from legislative bodies.

Our Jury Verdict and Settlement Research Services

Flatworld Solution specializes in both qualitative and quantitative research. Our qualitative research is subjective and gives legal professionals a thorough understanding of reasoning for the past verdicts. We research observations and interviews made on the past cases to collate qualitative verdict research. With quantitative research, we generate figure or data to validate an argument with statistics. This research is carried out through panels, surveys, and other methods. The jury verdict and settlement research services cover -

Case Law Verdict Research Service

Case Law Verdict Research Service

We look for verdicts by focused on specific issues. This research helps to understand the pattern of verdicts pronounced by courts in similar issues. This research gives an understanding of the factors that were taken into consideration while concluding.

Regulatory Verdict Research Services

Regulatory Verdict Research Services

Verdicts that substantiate the validity of rules and regulations can be determined through regulatory verdict research. With this research, we will help you understand rules that were previously challenged and whether or not the challenge stood the test of law.

Legislative Verdict Research

Legislative Verdict Research

The legislative history research involves carrying out end-to-end research on certain contentious legislation; the situation that led to the enactment of the statute; and the verdict on such legislations. It entails deep research into committee reports, bill hearings, debates followed by research on the final judgment copy.

Foreign Law Verdict Research

Foreign Law Verdict Research

This research service aims to serve businesses that want to do business out of the states. Verdict on rules and regulations vary from country to country. Our research service helps businesses determine if the jury verdict on contentious regulations would be in favor or against their business in other countries.

Multi-jurisdictional Verdict Research

Multi-jurisdictional Verdict Research

Multijurisdictional verdict helps in uncovering and understanding verdicts made on case laws (that are quite similar) across other states or a range of countries. This research assists legal professionals deal with jurisdictions outside their reach. Verdicts on critical compliance issues across states and countries help businesses buttress their cases before the courts.

Why is Jury Verdict Research Important?

Jury verdict and settlement research are important because of three main reasons. Firstly, it introduces you to the judge who is handling your case. You to get to know if the judge has handled cases like yours in the past. If they have, then what has been their opinion on such cases. Secondly, it lets you have a peek into past rulings of the judge and get an inkling as to how the case was disposed of. Lastly, past judgments also give you insights into the time taken by the judge to give out the ruling. Knowing the estimated time a case might take under a judge is particularly important for legal professionals because it helps them pace out their preparation accordingly. Yet another reason why research is important is if a judge has been involved in a similar case, you can present your case succinctly and expect a favorable result.

If the judge is not familiar with such cases, then digging up past verdicts and presenting it before the judge can help the judge come up with a decision in your favor. This is because past verdicts serve as a ready reference to the judge to take a quick decision on the case.

Jury Verdict and Research Process We Follow

We carry out jury verdict research in two ways. One is by referring case law books which is nothing but the physical copies of court books and the other is carrying out online searches in electronic databases. We have two dedicated teams to go through the two forms of research. At the end of the day, the information collated by the two teams is standardized and consolidated into a primary document.

We commit ourselves to quality research by following the best practices. Our objective is to produce very insightful material that contributes positively to understand past verdicts in similar cases. Our jury verdict research involves the following steps -


Requirement Discovery

We unearth records using online programs such as LexisNexis, Jury Verdict Review & Analysis, VerdictSearch, and WestLaw to understand existing laws. We use search phrases and keywords for building the client's case



After gathering the research material, we try to understand verdicts pertinent to the case in hand. All the reliable portions of the verdict are filtered out and documented



Our legal experts scrutinize documents to understand and validate the preceding stage. They will compare different verdicts on contented issues to broaden their understanding on the verdict



After comparison and matching portions of the identified verdicts, it will be collated and documented by for analysis. A final comparison is done to authenticate findings with the case in hand



Once all the above stages are completed, the document is submitted to the client. Our legal team analyses the research work available on standby to explain findings to the client

Why Outsource Jury Verdict and Settlement Research Services to FWS?

We lay more importance to legal verdict research because they are reliable and come directly from the source. Our non-legal verdict research service is a secondary research process which depends on a range of independent bodies such as law journals, expert reviews, legal experts, etc. Based on our client needs, we carry out the research. In complicated cases, however, we carry out both extensive primary and secondary research to support you with complete facts on the past cases. Our clients choose us over others because we thrive in the kind of research needed to make legal findings comprehensive enough to support a case from all angles. There are other reasons as well. These include -

Client Success Stories


Paralegal Services for a NY based Insurance Firm

We worked in three shifts and helped the client in drafting answers and filing motions in a quick turnaround. Our services helped in reducing the client's backlog.

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Success Stories

Outsource Jury Verdict and Settlement Research Services to Flatworld Solutions

As a jury verdict and settlement research service providing company, we have over 20 years of experience in legal research from all available platforms to shape legal case and studies in every possible way. You can confidently outsource legal services to us because we bank on well-developed ways to overcome the daunting aspect of legal verdict research. As a result, our findings are always sound and can be relied upon for positively impacting a case or enlightening legal students.

Contact our experts now to know more about our services.

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